Staying Healthy During the Flu Season

Your Best Shot at a Flu-Free Winter Last year’s flu season was severe in most parts of the country and left many wondering why the flu vaccine hadn’t performed more effectively. However, it remains our best line of defense for averting and lessening the severity of...

Autoimmune Disease on the Rise

The Enemy Within Autoimmune Disease, a condition that is thought to have tripled in prevalence over the last 50 years, impacting over 23 million people, could justifiably be seen as an epidemic, or at least, a growing health concern. Autoimmune diseases are not often...

Plant-Based Diet

Plant the Seeds of Healthy Eating Plant-based diet proponents are growing at a rapid clip in the US, buoyed by ongoing reports that following the regimen faithfully can result in a multitude of health benefits, ranging from increased energy and elevated mood to lower...

Genetic Testing and Your Health

20,000 and You: Unlocking the Genetic Code In just the past few years, there has been a significant shift in the practical uses of genetic testing, which examines changes, or variants, in your genes that may lead to illness or disease. Once considered more of an...

Healthy Eating: From Food Pyramid to MyPlate

Nutritionists Weigh in on Healthy Eating Picturing a healthy meal has never been more accessible, thanks to the ubiquity of visual aids such as MyPlate, successor to the well-known Food Pyramid of the ‘90s. A quick scan of the plate’s quadrants enables users to see at...

Got Milk? Or Calcium Supplements? Or Neither?

Calcium, so essential to strong bones and teeth, as well as nerve transmission, muscle contraction and blood clotting, can be in short supply as we age. Exactly how much is needed of this important mineral, and Vitamin D, its companion to ensure optimal absorption,...